![Pirates Title.fw](/images/Pirates_Title.fw.png)
Team Manager's Responsibilities
Team Managers are responsible for:
- The contact between the Club and your team.
- Passing on all written and verbal information coming from the Club to the players and parents.
- Pass on all written and verbal information coming from the players and parents to the Club.
- Collect all outstanding fees and return them to the registrar.
- Assist the coach on game day, by keeping control of the players whilst on the bench, organise next batters with helmets and organise fielding positions so that the coach can perform his/her duties on the field.
- Ensuring details of any injury sustained by players, officials or spectators are recorded in the scorebook.
- Ensuring any missed umpiring and/or any other important duties missed by clubs or officials, etc. are recorded in the scorebook and result sheet.
- Managers are responsible for notifying the umpire and/or scorers if substitutions and/or team changers are made, ie fielding changes.
- Referring protests to the umpire coordinator?and noting the details of each protest are recorded in the scorebook.
- The manager shall after the last game of the season collect all uniforms and return them to the uniform coordinator at the appointed time and place.?
- Check the club web site and also the team pigeonhole at the clubhouse weekly.
- A report on the season has to be completed for the team and be presented at the presentation day. Please liaise with the coach.
- A report has to be written for all games and sent to our web site. It is important that all our players can look up our web site and see their team and their name. A suggestion is to have a Media Rep to write a report and organise some photos of the game. This does not have to be long but every player must be mentioned during the season.