![Pirates Title.fw](/images/Pirates_Title.fw.png)
AN AWESOME RESPONSIBILITY!! Take it lightly or seriously, but the fact is indefensible that a coach has positive and/or negative effects on his or her players. Much of my work is because of the negative influences; it's good for my economy, but I honestly wish that this was not a prevalent problem. A tremendous amount of needless emotional suffering, consequent performance debilitation and the danger of present and future influences in other areas of life attest to this dilemma and beg for positive changes. To quote Katherine Graham, "To love what you do and feel that it matters--how could anything be more fun?" It obviously does matter how you treat your players. A coach who embraces a negative philosophy should not expect better conduct or peak performances from his or her players and should be held accountable. Like it or not we're talking role model here and one cannot separate actions from influence. To many who coach with a positive approach, I congratulate you for allowing your players to have fun, which also influences better performances and helps mould character in beneficial ways. To those who are negative, including the successful, please give the positive a try. A considerable number over the years have made radical changes and with greater successes because the positive is far more powerful than the negative. Begin to really love what you are doing and the fun will begin!!