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Office Bearers and Club Committee Structure

Committee  Structure

Committee Structure

General Committee Structure

 Committee Tree

Responsibilities of the Committee

The Club Committee has a responsibility to manage the Club on behalf of its members.
The Committee must:

  • Conduct long term planning so that the aims and objectives of the Club are fulfilled.
  • Develop policy and procedures.
  • Manage external relations and advocacy issues.
  • Obtain resources and ensure that all financial and legal matters are properly managed.
  • Carry out the recommendations of members.
  • Regularly communicate with, and provide information to members about the running of the organisation.
  • Ensure that all members of the Committee act as leadership role models.

Click to view details of the following positions:
Club President
Vice President - Juniors
Vice President - Seniors
Vice President - Winter Major League
Vice President - T-Ball
Club Secretary
General Committee Positions 

Roles & Responsibilities of the Club Office Bearers

Executive Committee

Club President (Voting Executive Position – in accordance with terms of the Constitution)
The President is the principal leader of the Club, and has overall responsibility for the Club’s administration. A thorough knowledge of the Club constitution and meeting procedures is required, as well as an aptitude for planning:

  • Sets the overall annual Committee ‘agenda’ (consistent with the views of members)
  • Coordinate a 3 Year Club Development Plan, in consultation with the Executive Committee (and consistent with the views of members).
  • Helps the Committee prioritise its goals.
  • Must be well informed of all Club’s activities.
  • Have a good working knowledge of the Constitution, rules & duties of all officials.
  • Manage Committee and/or Executive meetings (as Chairperson).
  • Manage the Annual General Meeting.
  • Represent the Club at local, regional and national levels.
  • Liaise with schools, sports associations and other Clubs.
  • Be a supportive leader for all members.
  • Ensure that planning and budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the members.
  • To act as the Public Officer and maintain custody of the Common Seal of the Club.
  • Shall have the right to act as an ex officio member at all subcommittees of the Club.
  • To report to the Club on the outcome of meetings held by the Affiliated Association / League.
  • To present to the Affiliated Association / League any resolution or recommendations and vote on matters raised, as may be required, on behalf of the Club.
  • To liaise with and develop closer working relationships with Local Councils that fall under the Club’s boundaries and with other Clubs for the further development and betterment of Baseball.

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Vice-President – Juniors (Voting Executive Position):
The Vice President – Juniors assumes the responsibility of the President in his/her absence, as required, and is responsible for the development of Junior baseball within the Pirates:

  • Chairs all meetings, as may be required, in the absence of the President and in accordance with the Rules of the Constitution.
  • Is responsible for the growth and development of Junior Baseball and to head up any Committee to pursue such matters, as required.
  • Coordinate and implement a junior development program in consultation with the Head Coach.
  • Develop and recommend to the Executive Committee a 3 Year Development Plan for Junior Baseball within the Pirates.
  • Assist the Communications & Marketing Committee in Club promotional activities, where required.
  • Attends Affiliated Association meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Officiate, and represents the Club, at any function should the President be unable to attend.

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Vice-President – Seniors (Voting Executive Position):
The Vice President – Seniors is responsible for the administration, growth and development of Senior baseball within the Pirates:

  • Increase the profile and promotion of All Women’s and Mixed Seniors Baseball.
  • Is responsible for the growth and development of Seniors Baseball and to head up any Committee to pursue such matters, as required.
  • Coordinate pre-season ‘recruitment drives’ to achieve growth in membership.
  • Develop and recommend to the Executive Committee a 3 Year Development Plan for Seniors Baseball within the Pirates.
  • Assist the Communications & Marketing Committee in Club promotional activities, where required.
  • Coordinate administration tasks for senior teams including: registrations; distribution of equipment and uniforms; allocation of umpires; preparation of grounds etc.
  • Managers Seniors Sub-Committee Meetings (as Chairperson).
  • Regularly communicate with, and provide information to members of the Senior teams.

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Vice-President – Winter Major League (Voting Executive Position)
The Vice President – Winter Major League is responsible for the administration, growth and development of Major League (SWBL) within the Pirates:

  • Increase the profile and promotion of Major League Baseball and facilitate the development path for junior players to aspire to.
  • Is responsible for the growth and development of Major League Baseball and to head up any Committee to pursue such matters, as required.
  • Coordinate pre-season marquee player recruitment and co-ordinate trials in conjunction with the Major League Head Coach.
  • Assist the Communications & Marketing Committee in Club promotional activities, where required.
  • Liaise with Major League Head Coach and players to facilitate skills development programs/clinics for junior players.
  • Regularly communicate with, and provide information to members of the Pirates Major League teams.

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Vice-President – T-Ball (Voting Executive Position)
The Vice President – T-Ball is responsible for the administration, growth and development of T-Ball within the Pirates:

  • Is responsible for the growth and development of Junior Baseball and to head up any Committee to pursue such matters, as required.
  • Coordinate and implement a T-Ball development program in consultation with the Head Coach.
  • Develop and recommend to the Executive Committee a 3 Year Development Plan for T-Ball Baseball within the Pirates.
  • Assist the Communications & Marketing Committee in Club promotional activities, where required.
  • Attends Affiliated Association meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Officiate, and represents the Club, at any function should the President be unable to attend.

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Club Secretary (Voting Executive Position)
The Club Secretary is the primary organiser of the Club and is responsible for effective administration. He/She must be able to:

  • Communicate effectively.
  • Think clearly and positively.
  • Maintain confidentiality on relevant matters.
  • Organise and delegate tasks.

Main duties include:

  • Convene all meeting’s as per the Club’s constitution.
  • Prepare meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Attend to all correspondence for and on behalf of the Club.
  • Maintain a record of all Club Office Bearers, Committee Members and Club Representatives.
  • Maintain Club filing system and records.
  • Coordinate processing of registrations and maintenance of the My Club database.

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Treasurer (Voting Executive Position)
The Treasurer is responsible for implementing and maintaining the Club’s financial operations and planning systems.

  • Ensure that adequate accounts and records exist regarding the Club’s financial transactions.
  • Coordinate the preparation of budgets for the forthcoming year describing potential sources of income and expenditure.
  • Issue receipts and promptly deposit all monies received in the Club’s bank account.
  • Make all approved payments promptly.
  • Keep accurate and up-to-date records of all income and expenditure.
  • Invoice groups/members promptly for rentals (eg building, equipment, uniforms).
  • Act as the signatory on the Club’s bank accounts, cheque accounts, and investment and loan facilities (with at least one other management committee member).
  • Manage the Club’s cash flow.
  • Be accountable for the Club’s petty cash.
  • Prepare regular bank account reconciliation statements for presentation to the management committee or board.
  • Be fully informed about the financial position of the organisation at all times.
  • Prepare and present financial statements on a regular basis to management committee or executive meetings.
  • Recommend investment strategies for surplus funds.
  • Manage the organisation’s investment programs.
  • Acquit funds received from government grants and submit the necessary financial statements.
  • Prepare financial accounts for annual or more frequent auditing, and provide the auditor with information as required.
  • Prepare all necessary financial statements for inclusion in the annual report.
  • If incorporated, ensure annual returns and audited financial statements are filed with the relevant government department as required by the Associations Incorporation Act.

Skills & Attributes:

  • Honesty and integrity.
  • Enthusiasm for the task.
  • Good organisational skills.
  • A good eye for detail.
  • Good at making decisions.
  • An ability to work in a logical and orderly manner.
  • An ability to allocate regular time periods (eg weekly or monthly) to maintain the books.
  • An ability to keep good records.
  • An awareness of procedures for handling cash, cheques and other financial transactions.

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General Committee

Seniors’ Secretary (Non-Voting Executive Role):
The Seniors’ Secretary is responsible for the administration and organisation of the Seniors’ Sub-Committee. Main duties include:

  • Convene all meetings of the Seniors Sub-Committee.
  • Prepare meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Attend to all correspondence for and on behalf of the Seniors Sub-Committee.
  • Maintain Seniors filing system and records.
  • Assist with administration tasks for Senior teams including: registrations; distribution of equipment and uniforms; allocation of umpires; preparation of grounds etc.

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Women’s Coordinator (Non-Voting Executive Role):
The Women’s Coordinator is responsible for the administration, development and growth of Women’s Baseball within the Pirates Baseball Club:

  • Increase the profile of Women’s Baseball with the assistance of the Communications & Marketing Committee.
  • Coordinate pre-season ‘recruitment drives’ to achieve growth in membership.
  • Coordinate administration tasks for Women’s teams including: registrations; distribution of equipment and uniforms; allocation of umpires; preparation of grounds etc.
  • Regularly communicate with, and provide information to members of the Women’s teams.

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Assistant Secretary (Non-Voting Executive Role):
The Assistant Secretary is responsible for supporting the Club Secretary to complete the following tasks to ensure the effective administration of the Club:

  • Assume the responsibility of the Club Secretary in his/her absence.
  • Convene all meeting’s as per the Club’s constitution.
  • Prepare meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Attend to all correspondence for and on behalf of the Club.
  • Maintain a record of all Club Office Bearers, Committee Members and Club Representatives.
  • Maintain Club filing system and records.
  • Assist the My Club Registrar to process all registrations pre-season.

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My Club Registrar (Non-Voting Executive Role):
The My Club Registrar is responsible for the prompt processing of all junior registrations (with the assistance of the Club Secretary and Assistance Secretary) and for the timely maintenance of the My Club database:

  • Process all registration forms received to ensure accuracy of information, prompt payment of fees and determination of non-graded teams.
  • Coordinate any requests for player dispensations.
  • Maintain the ‘My Club’ database to ensure that it is kept up to date and current.
  • Complete My Club training to identify additional services that can add value to the Club.
  • Distribute registration letters pre-season.
  • Report default payments to the Executive Committee.

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Assistant Accountant (Non-Voting Executive Role):

  • The Assistant Accountant is responsible for Collection of money, writing up receipts and banking of all funds collected.
  • The Assistant Account will also prepare all cheques for signing and then once sign mail out to appropriate parties.
  • Filing of Receipts and Payments information is in 2 ring folders and must tie back to financial reports and Bank statements.
  • The checking of this is both the Financial Accountant and Assistant Accountants responsibility.
  • A copy of the monthly Bank Statement is to be filed monthly on top of the Receipts and Payments having been checked off for errors.
  • The Canteen proceeds each week are to be collected along with the cash sheet having agreed the amount to be banked and the cash float the new week. This is also to be email/faxed to the Financial Accountant for processing to the cash book.
  • When Banking or Payment is made, the details are to be emailed to the Financial Accountant so that the Cash Book can be written up. Full details of banking are to be provided e.g. Allocation of receipt to sponsorship, Senior Fees, Junior Fees etc are to be specified.
  • Accounts are prepared on a monthly basis and it is essential that all information is communicated promptly.
  • The end of Financial year is 31st March each year.
  • Reporting occurs monthly on the second Monday of each month.
  • This position reports to the Treasurer.

Skills & Attributes:

  • Honesty and integrity.
  • Enthusiasm for the task.
  • Good organisational skills.
  • A good eye for detail.
  • An ability to work in a logical and orderly manner.
  • An ability to allocate regular time periods (eg weekly or monthly) to maintain the books.
  • An ability to keep good records.
  • An awareness of procedures for handling cash, cheques and other financial transactions.

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Junior Development Coordinator (Non-Voting Executive Role):
The Junior Development Coordinator is responsible for coordinating events and programs that aid the development of all junior players:

  • Schedule & coordinate pre-season trial matches for U10 – U16 junior teams.
  • Schedule & coordinate player development clinics throughout season using available resources including Hills, North Shore and internal Club resources, for both Div 1 and other players.
  • Schedule & coordinate Coach the Coach Programs throughout season using available resources including North Shore and internal Club resources.
  • Coordinate attendance at inter-Club Gala days, especially by Div 1 players.
  • Develop ‘generic’ Training Plans for each age group to be used by all Coaches.
  • Prepare calendar for all events in advance of start of season and communicate to Coaches & Age Coordinators.

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Head Coach:

  • Increase the number of Level 2 Coaches.
  • Ensure accredited coaches for all teams.
  • Implement an internal Coach the Coach Program.
  • Implement player development programs.
  • Improve coordination of coaching across all age groups to support player development process.
  • Implement recruitment, retention & recognition for coaches.
  • Continue to develop own skills & competency as Head Coach.

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Communications & Marketing Co-ordinator/Committee:

  • Website – ensure prompt updating of information and ongoing development of features.
  • Increase Club profile, e.g. ensure regular promotion of Club and players in local media etc.
  • Increase promotion of website.
  • Implement Club (Social) Member pack.
  • Implement business network for members.
  • Increase parental participation & involvement in Club events.
  • Develop and implement a Marketing Plan for the Pirates.
  • Coordinate and implement Club promotional activities.
  • Coordinate preparation and editing of monthly Club Newsletters.
  • Improve presentation & display of historic and current Club information.

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Events Coordinator:

  • Coordinate successful Social Events, including: Trivia Night, Presentation Day, Seniors Presentation Night (Winter Season), Golf Day, Hunter Valley Trip.
  • Coordinate Try Baseball Days.
  • Coordinate fun and competitive Gala Days, e.g. Parent T’s Ball Gala Day; U7 Parents v Kids T Ball Gala Day; U9 Zooka Fun Day; U10 Zooka Cup; U12 Corbin Cup.
  • Coordinate Family Nights, e.g. Macdonalds and Claxton Shield.

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Canteen (“Pirates Galley”) Coordinator:

  • Coordinate purchase of stock and float reconciliation.
  • Provide a weekly financial report to the Treasurer to confirm expenses & revenue from the canteen.
  • Coordinate and implement a canteen roster.
  • Identify and implement opportunities to improve the facilities within, and the presentation of, the canteen.
  • Identify and implement opportunities to increase the canteen’s turnover.

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Umpire Coordinator:

  • Increase the number of Level O Umpires.
  • Ensure accredited coaches for all teams.
  • Implement an Umpire Development Program.
  • Implement recruitment, retention & recognition for umpires.
  • Continue to develop own skills & competency as Umpire Coordinator.

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Grounds Committee:

  • Develop relations with Council maintenance staff.
  • Liaise with Blacktown City Council to ensure the presentation and maintenance of Corbin Reserve is kept to a high standard.
  • Ensure that approved signs are installed and presented as required.
  • Maintain the presentation of fields and diamonds, and coordinate working bees as required.
  • Ensure the maintenance of grounds equipment that is owned by the Pirates Baseball Club.
  • Participate in projects that relate to the development of Corbin Reserve, as requested by the Executive Committee.

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Sponsorship & Fundraising Coordinator:

  • Identify and attract new sponsors to the Club.
  • Build relations with all current sponsors by representing the Club and by providing regular communication/information.
  • Identify and implement methods to improve our internal/external promotion of all sponsors.Ensure that we comply in full with our commitments to sponsors (e.g. signage etc.).
  • Identify & coordinate fundraising opportunities for the Pirates.

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Equipment & Uniform Coordinator:

  • Compile and maintain a record of all Club equipment and uniforms.
  • Complete an annual audit of all equipment and uniforms and submit report to the Executive Committee.
  • Recommend to the Executive Committee any equipment purchases and, once approved, make arrangements for such purchases, on behalf of the Club.
  •  Ensure that the Club equipment is maintained and is safe for use.
  • Ensure that all Club equipment is stored securely and appropriately at all times.

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Club Safety Officer:
The Safety Officer is responsible for the health and safety of members and visitors:

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety policy covering: training, competition, social, equipment, other etc.
  • Ensure Club members and visitors are aware of and understand the policy.
  • Keep a record of all accidents and incidents and provide copies to the Executive Committee.
  • Maintain a comprehensive first aid kit.
  • Conduct risk assessments.
  • Assume duties and responsibilities of Child Safety officer.

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